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Where Is God?

Writer's picture: By Pastor Andy PlankBy Pastor Andy Plank

September 29, 2024

To you, who is God? That may sound like a bizarre question but hang with me a minute. I am afraid many people, Christians included, if they think about God at all, have a concept of God that places Him somewhere way far away, disconnected from their world and their lives. Psalm 10 gives us three examples of this. The Psalmist begins by asking a question in verse 1. “Why do you stand afar off O LORD? Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?” He then writes from the perspective of the wicked and concludes in verse 4 “God is in none of His thoughts.” In other words, there is no God, and if there is a God, the wicked don’t think about Him. Fellow Christ follower, how often do you think about God as you go about your day? Do you live with a sense of walking with God and are you consciously thinking about God and His ways or like the wicked, is God in none of your thoughts. Oh, you know He is there, but He is way out yonder, out of reach and out of touch. The Psalmist gives a second faulty feeling about God in verse 8. “God has forgotten. God hides His face: He will never see it.” This person would admit there is a God, but he or she says, God doesn’t know about this or doesn’t care about the little things that go on in our lives. In other words, we believe in God, but we don’t think He gets involved in our everyday lives. Finally, the Psalmist presents a third faulty feeling about God in verse 14. “Why do the wicked renounce God? He has said in his heart you will not require an account.” In other words, I believe in God, but I don’t believe God will punish me. I know in our heads we would deny all of these false concepts of who God is and what God does, but the real question is, how do we live our lives? Do we live with an awesome fear and respect for the Sovereign Creator of the universe, or have we gotten so comfortable with God, that He is just the man upstairs? The prophet Habakkuk said it well in Habakkuk 2:20 “The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him.” It bears pondering.

Have a blessed week . . . Bro. Andy

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