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As For Me and My House . . .

Writer's picture: By Pastor Andy PlankBy Pastor Andy Plank

August 21, 2022 . . .

We make them every day. Quite often, we make them without realizing we are making them and many of them have the potential to be life changing. To what am I referring? The potentially life changing subject matter I am pondering is “choices”. We start making them every day, quite often before our feet hit the floor. What time do I get up? What am I going to do today and what am I going to wear while I do it? What am I going to eat for breakfast or am I even going to eat breakfast? What route will I take to work today and what will I listen to during my commute? Do you see what I mean? We are constantly making choices all throughout our day. Many of these choices are mundane and might not make much difference, whatever we decide. However, there is one choice we will make every day and, as a matter of fact, we will have to make it several times every day and that is, “Do I choose to follow God and His ways or do I choose to follow someone or something else?” When he was making his final address to the people he had so faithfully served, Joshua reminded Israel that they had to choose one of three options. Number one, they could follow the gods of their fathers on the other side of the flood (idols). Number two, they could follow the Canaanite Gods or, Number three, they could follow Jehovah. Joshua boldly declared, “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). Just to show that the Bible is as applicable to us today, we have the same three choices: serve the idols of long ago (atheism, new-age, wicca etc); serve the gods of our culture (materialism, post modernism, humanism); or like Joshua may we stand up and say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Be blessed and be a blessing . . . Bro Andy

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