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What would you have said?

Writer's picture: By Pastor Andy PlankBy Pastor Andy Plank

January 19, 2020

It must have been pretty exciting to have been Peter, James, or John. They were part of the inner circle. They saw things the other apostles missed out on. They saw healings and resurrections. They witnessed Jesus during his quiet time with God. They did their best to stand guard while Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Perhaps the most unnerving experience took place on a mountaintop. Peter, James, and John saw Jesus suddenly shinning in His glory and joined by Elijah and Moses. Bless Peter's heart, he doesn't know what to say but felt he should say something, so he suggested that they build three tabernacles, one each for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Why is it when we don't know what to say, we seem to say something we would immediately like to take back? I went to visit a friend in the hospital once and took a church member with me. He stayed silent the whole visit. About the time we got ready to leave, the church member said to my friend, "I hope you don't die." As we were going to the car, he looked kind of sheepish and said, "Well, I thought I should say something." That was probably what Peter thought as well. But this mountain-top experience stayed with Peter for the rest of his life. Nearly thirty years later he would recall this moment (II Peter 1:17-18). Jesus just does that to a person. Truly experience Him and you will never be the same. We have a better viewpoint than the ringside seat shared by Peter, James, and John. When we accept Jesus as our Savior it isn't just a one-time shot. Jesus not only saves us, but He abides in us. Jesus living in us. You can't beat a deal like that!

Be blessed and go be a blessing Andy

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