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  • Writer's pictureBy Pastor Andy Plank

What to do with all that TIME!

April 10, 2022 . . .

As warmer weather approaches, so will more opportunities to neglect worshipping God with your family and doing Kingdom work. Lawn moving, weed-eating, garden hoeing, and spring-cleaning fill most of our "off" time with projects. That’s not even including fishing, Little-league, boat riding, camping, and other outdoor recreational activities. The temptation is strong to do these things instead of attending services and doing the work of the Lord. I know. I've been there. While I don't believe God sits on His throne in heaven with an attendance sheet, checking off the list of attendees each time the church doors open and I also don't believe that these activities of summer are wrong in and of themselves, I do believe that if we aren't careful, we will take God (and our spiritual health) for granted. We tell ourselves, "Well, God blessed me with this bass boat, so He wants me to use it." Or we might think, "God wants me to have family time and Sunday is my only day off." That's just the point. God does bless us with stuff. Don't you suppose it would be appropriate to spend some time celebrating God's goodness with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Your celebration of God's generosity to you might be just the thing that a struggling soul needs when they find themselves going through difficult times. I promise you that there is no better "family time" that time spent worshipping God with your faith family. It shows your kids that you love God. It shows your kids that you love your faith family and it shows your kids Who or what you put first in your life. Show and tell works much better if you actually SHOW what you tell!! Satan and his forces of darkness don't take the summer off. God's people need to be careful not to allow Satan to take back conquered ground when we lower our guard in the summer time. Enjoy your stuff and enjoy your family, but take the time to celebrate and worship the One who gave you both!

Be blessed and be a blessing . . . . Bro. Andy

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