What if . . . we did the Unexpected . . . like Jesus did?
September 26, 2021
I am sitting at the computer, drinking my coffee, and thinking about football from this past weekend. The Vols totally man handled Tennessee Tech and the Titans won a shocker in Seattle. The headline that caught my attention was "Titans STUN Seahawks". You see everyone expected the Vols to beat Tennessee Tech. Truth be told, Tennessee Tech didn’t need to be on the same field as Tennessee. But the reason the Titans stunned the Seahawks was because they did the unexpected. They acted in an unpredictable manner (Unexpected and unpredictable to all but the Titans faithful). Does this have anything to do with religion you ask? Absolutely. Most people expect Christians to be loud and proud. We quote Scripture and many make a living out of telling others how they ought to live. People EXPECT this. Without getting into the ramifications of standing up for Jesus, what if Christians did the unexpected. What if, instead of beating someone over the head with our Bible, we offered them a cup of cold water. What if, instead of yelling at the folks living in a way that is opposed by the Bible we put our arms around them and let them know we love them and Jesus does too (then perhaps they would be more interested in hearing what God’s word has to say). What if we went out and helped the poor and helpless. What if we actually helped the homeless find homes and shared with the hopeless the hope that is found in Jesus. What if….we might just STUN the world. Better yet, we might just turn the world upside down for Jesus Christ!
Be blessed and go be a blessing . . . Andy
