January 12, 2025
The Apostle Paul makes a curious statement in Philippians 4:11-12. He writes, “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” The direct context of this statement shows Paul thanking the Philippian congregation for the financial support he had received from them. But that isn’t the curious part. The curious part, at least to me, is the statement Paul makes regarding contentment. Paul tells the Philippians he had LEARNED to be content. What does he mean by LEARNING to be content? For most of us, it (contentment, happiness, satisfaction, or whatever your term for IT is) is usually found tomorrow or the next day. We live our lives hoping and praying that tomorrow will be better than today and next week will be better than this week and before you know it, we have spent a lifetime pursuing an elusive contentment or happiness that we never quite succeed in corralling. Paul had learned to take each day as it came and determined in his mind that he would take each day’s circumstances and be content. There are many definitions for the word content in the dictionary, but the one I like best is “satisfied.” Paul tells the Philippians he was thankful for their financial support. With it he could pay his bills and buy his food and other necessities. Why, he might even have enough left over to buy new needles for his tentmaking business! But Paul also says he has learned to do without. On some days he might be able to afford steak, but on other days a meal of Spam would suffice. Either way, Paul was determined to be satisfied, regardless of his circumstances. In other words. whatever the day brought, Paul had learned to be content, satisfied to just keep on keeping on. I can’t speak for Paul, for you or for anyone else besides me, but as I read this, I learned I have some work to do! Lord, help me learn to be satisfied today. Help me not live my life praying tomorrow might be better than today. Help me understand true contentment is not found in stuff, but in you. In you, today will be a great day.
Be blessed and then go be a blessing . . . Bro. Andy
