December 17, 2023
As I overhear people’s conversations and read my social media feeds this time of year, I am convinced there are a lot of people out there REALLY looking forward to Christmas. I mean Will Ferrell, Elf ready. This makes me happy, but at the same time, it makes my heart heavy. I mean I get it, with all the lights, glamour, presents, trees and who can forget days off from work, who wouldn’t anticipate Christmas morning? Here’s what makes my heart sad. Most of those excited people have no clue about the real reason as to why they should be anticipating Christmas. While Christmas lights are beautiful, Christmas presents are wonderful, and days off work are certainly things to celebrate, Christmas without Jesus is like mashed potatoes without the potatoes. As I think about the birth of Jesus Christ being the reason for the season, I can’t help but let my mind wander back to what it must have been like for those few Jews living sometime during the four hundred years between the books of Malachi and Matthew who were actually looking for and anticipating Messiah. We call that period the four hundred silent years because during those four hundred years, there wasn’t a word from God to His people. However, I know there were people looking for Messiah because Luke records the story of two of them. Luke 2:15-38 tell the story of Anna and Simeon, two of God’s faithful witnesses. Listen to the words of Simeon, “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word; 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation
31 Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, 32 A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel.” In our vernacular, Simeon is saying, “Lord, you can take me home now because I’ve seen Messiah.” I hope you enjoy the Christmas lights. I pray you have fun wearing, playing with, or looking at your presents. I hope your Christmas dinner is the best one yet. However, my biggest Christmas wish that this Christmas, you would see and know Jesus the Savior. He is the brightest Christmas Light of all!
Be blessed and then go be a blessing . . . Bro. Andy