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Remember This in Hard Times

Writer's picture: By Pastor Andy PlankBy Pastor Andy Plank

January 26, 2025

When I got up this crispy, cold, Monday morning, I walked over to the thermometer and saw it was seven degrees outside. Seven whole degrees! Then I walked over to the thermostat and saw that it read sixty-five degrees. While sixty-five degrees is much warmer than seven degrees, the thermostat was set for a balmy seventy-two degrees, and the house was a bit cool. I suppose the little man who lives inside our heat pump and whose job it is to ride his bicycle to keep the belts moving in order to warm the house can’t pedal his little legs fast enough to keep up with the cold outside. As I meandered back to the bedroom to put on a sweatshirt and housecoat (and strongly considered a toboggan and gloves, but I decided against it because I didn’t want anyone to think I was a sissy), I started pondering. We often think of the time back in the day as the good ole days. I remember my grandparents reflecting on some of those good ole days. I remember my grandfather telling me about having to throw the snow off his blankets when he woke up because there were cracks in the roof that allowed the snow to fall onto his bed at night. I remember my grandmother telling us about how she had to build a fire in the cookstove in the morning before she could cook breakfast. This was after someone built up the fire in the main fireplace because the fire had simmered down to ashes during the night. I’m pretty sure their house was way colder than sixty-five degrees. Let’s not even think about going to the outhouse in the middle of a seven-degree night. Good ole days, yeah, buddy! Marie and I went to Bargain Hunt yesterday looking for bargains. In the middle of our search, it dawned on me I really don’t need anything. I have clothes on my back and more in the closet. I have food in my belly and more in the pantry and freezer. I have a roof over my head and a vehicle to drive myself wherever I need to go. I have a wife and family who love me and a church family who loves me as well. I also have Jesus and coffee, so I am pretty much set. Looking back, I’m not so sure the good ole days were entirely good and I’m also not sure what the future holds, but I do know this. “I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day” (2 Timothy 1:12 KJV), and that is enough.

Be blessed and go be a blessing . . . Bro. Andy

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