July 25, 2021
For far too many of us, being a Christ follower means we have forgiveness of our sins and we get to go to heaven when we die…and that’s it. Meanwhile, here on earth, we have to plod along doing the best we can to get through life every day while saying to ourselves, “One of these days, it’s going to be better, just wait ‘til I get to heaven.” While we should keep our final destination in mind and remember that we are pilgrims on this earth, we must also remember that, as Christ followers, we have dual citizenship and we live in two worlds. Yes, if we have been born again from above, we are citizens of heaven, but with that being said, Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that He came to give His followers “life in all of its fullness”. Now that doesn’t mean that Jesus is promising us a mansion with a BMW in the driveway but it also doesn’t mean that Jesus intends for us to be miserable here on earth and just wait for heaven either. As Christ followers, our focus needs to be on Kingdom activity. When we start looking at our PRESENT lives through the lens of eternity, we will gain a whole new perspective. Yes, tomorrow is Monday and most of us will get out of bed and head off to work. What are you focused on when you head out of the driveway? For most of us, myself included, quite often, we are focused on getting thru the day without getting fired or without choking someone! What if, instead, we focused on the fact that in our workplaces all around us are people that are struggling. They might have had a fight with their spouse this morning or their kids might be sick. Maybe they are barely hanging on. Do we see them or are we too focused on our issues and our troubles? What if we prayed for eyes to see people through the same eyes with which Jesus sees? What if we took the time to hear with the same ears that Jesus hears? We have an opportunity every day to make an ETERNAL difference in the lives of our family, friends and coworkers. As Christ followers, when we get busy with the things that make an eternal difference, we will find ourselves with a purpose. In fact, when we get busy with things that make an eternal difference, we will find our purpose aligned with the purpose of Jesus. Jesus tells us in John 10:19 that He came to seek and save the lost. When we take up the mantle of Jesus to seek and save the lost as well, we will find ourselves being productive members of an eternal kingdom and THAT, my friends, is life in all of its fulness!
Be blessed and go be a blessing . . . Andy
