October 6, 2024
Having been a pastor for a while, I am often asked what the hardest thing is a pastor must face and frankly, there are a lot of things that are difficult. From trying to provide comfort to those who have lost loved ones to being faithful to God and His word every time you teach, preach, or open your mouth, the life of a pastor (and the life of a pastor’s family) can be challenging. One of the hardest things I face as a pastor is trying to help people through the storms of life. I wish I had magic words to say, or a magic pill to give that would take away the storm and bring back the sun. Unfortunately, there are no magic words and no magic pills to instantaneously remove all of life’s difficulties. I wish I could say, “Here are four steps to getting over grief” or “Six steps to the perfect marriage” or maybe “Five steps to get over being wronged.” Unfortunately, life is harder than four, five, or six step programs to get us where we want to go. Sometimes when I advise folks to pray, trust Jesus, and keep on keeping on, those words ring hollow in my ears because I feel like they are not enough to help. I wish there was more I could say or do and this feeling of not being able to say or do enough is often discouraging. But here are some things I know. First, life is hard. There is no way to sugar coat that fact. The truth is, we are sinful people living in a sin-sick, sin-filled world that is getting worse as every day goes by. Scripture tells us life rains on the just and the unjust. Life. Is. Hard. Second, life’s circumstances are difficult. From health crises to relationship ruptures, life comes at us, often fast and unrelenting. We are all either going trough a crisis, getting ready to go through a crisis, or coming out of a crisis. Life is hard and life isn’t fair. I am like the kid who told his dad something wasn’t fair. His dad informed him he might as well get used to it because life isn’t fair. The kid replied, yeah, but I wish sometimes it would be unfair to other people. Finally, the best way to get through the storms of life (and we must get THROUGH them, because there is no other way to the other side) is to take your focus off the storm and put your focus on the Son. Jesus understands, Jesus cares, and Jesus knows the way home. Hold His hand, and HE will walk with you through all of life’s storms. I promise, as shallow as that might sound amid all the wind, lightning, and thunder, turning to Jesus is really the only sure thing to do. I am praying for you, and I ask that you pray for me and for each other as we navigate life together, with Jesus.
Be blessed and then go be a blessing . . . Bro. Andy
