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It All Belongs to God

Writer's picture: By Pastor Andy PlankBy Pastor Andy Plank

October 20, 2024

Marie and I went to an estate sale over the weekend, not that we intended to purchase an estate, but you never can tell what you might find. As five thousand four hundred sixteen other people and I were rooting around in all the stuff these folks had accumulated in their lives together, it dawned on me that one of these days a bunch of people will be rooting around in my stuff, because I, like the couple who had once owned the stuff we were sifting through, will have gone on. I suppose the main verb I used in the last sentence wasn’t quite accurate because, none of us really owns anything do we? We just maintain possession of it for a while, and sometimes, we pay lots of money for the privilege of doing so. The Psalmist remind us in Psalm 50:10 “For all the animals of the forest are mine (God’s), and I (God) own the cattle on a thousand hills.” You know what? He owns the thousand hills too! When God’s word tells us Jesus is Lord of all, He means all. When you and I pass into eternity, no matter how much or how little we possessed during our lifetimes, our graves will all look the same, won’t they? As Job stated, “Naked I came into this world and naked I will leave it.” That goes for all of us. As I wandered from room to room looking at what this couple had left behind, I noticed several Bibles and books of a religious nature and seeing these things sent my thoughts down another path. Even though I had never met this couple, so I don’t know their lifestyle or their habits, I was comforted in the fact that perhaps they were prepared for the day they died. I know of a fellow who wasn’t. Luke 12:16-21 tells us about a rich farmer who had a bumper crop. His gardens grew so much produce he had to build more and bigger barns to hold all the food. He told himself he had it made. It seemed he was on Easy Street, except he forgot one thing. That very night, before he could build his super barns, he died and at that point it didn’t matter how many tomatoes he had in this life. This estate sale visit was a reality check for me. One day, and I don’t know when, I am going to die. You are too. When that day comes, it won’t matter how much stuff we had. The only possession you can take with you is a home on the other side, with Jesus and that my friends is the only possession that really matters.

Be blessed and be a blessing . . . Bro Andy

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