January 7, 2024
I have an announcement to make. I want everyone to know that I would like to lose weight, improve my health, and get rid of my diabetes. However, the BIG question is, do I REALLY want to accomplish these things? I know that to succeed and see these dreams come true, I must eat the right things and burn off more calories than I consume. However, I really enjoy fried fish and Reese’s Cups and I really DON”T enjoy exercise in any shape, form, or fashion. The bottom line is, I may WANT to reach these thing’s goals, but REALLY, deep down, I don’t want to accomplish these things because I’m not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to turn these “dreams” into reality. How about you? Are there some things you would like to accomplish or are there some bad habits from which you would like to walk away? I have some good news and some bad news for us. The bad news is, there is not easy fix. There are no shortcuts. The GOOD news is, Jesus met a man in John Chapter 5 who was in our shoes and there are some lessons we can learn from their encounter. Verse 6 finds Jesus asking the crippled man the BIG question, “Do you want to be made well?” That seems kind of like a “DUH” question, doesn’t it? Let’s not skip over that question so fast. Many say “yes” but don’t really mean it. Some “enjoy” being a victim of their circumstances and the center of attention. Some take no responsibility or accountability for their circumstances. It’s always someone else’s fault. I would like to ask you the same question Jesus asked the crippled man in our text. Do you want to be made well? Jesus stands ready to heal you today. He will heal you completely and fully. Do you want to improve your marriage, break addictive sins and habits, be better parents and grandparents or become more like Christ? Just like the crippled man, Jesus stands ready to heal you, if you want to be healed! James Allen, a British philosopher and poet said, “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves, therefore they remain bound.” Do you want to be made well? The first week of January 2024 is an excellent time to give whatever you need to give to Jesus and get serious about your walk with Him. Have a blessed week . . . Bro Andy