January 28, 2024
Well, with the Lord’s help, we did it. It wasn’t easy, but we survived. What did we survive you ask? Snowmeggedon of January 2024, that’s what. With below zero temperatures, snow, ice, and wind, it was certainly an event to remember. But to me, the worst thing was being stuck in the house. At first, it wasn’t too bad. There was TV, food, and Marie’s company. The problem is, TV gets old pretty fast and while I never get tired of food and Marie’s company, I did get tired of not being able to go anywhere. Marie and I did go outside and play in the snow for a while, but for the most part, we were stuck at home. When I was finally able to get up the driveway and go to the store, I felt a huge surge of relief that I was “free” from the confines of my house. Most likely, you felt the same way. My period of confinement got me pondering. Do we keep it fresh on our minds and in our hearts that we were stuck in something way more confining than being stuck in the house due to a snowstorm? We were stuck in sin, with no way out. While I am thankful for all the electric company people who worked hard during the inclement weather and the road crews who finally got the roads clear so we could be released from our “bondage”, I am more thankful for Jesus Christ who freed me from the slavery of sin. If you are a Christ follower, you should be just as thankful. As a matter of fact, when Jesus freed us from the clutches of sin, He placed us on His rescue squad in order to tell others about Jesus so they can be freed as well.
Be blessed and go be a blessing . . . Bro. Andy
