December 6, 2020
I like to read biographies. While I am reading them, I try to put myself in the place of the person about whom I am reading. I have robbed trains with Jesse James, fought the battle of Little Bighorn with Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull (I have also fought that same battle with General Custer, but that didn’t turn out so well), crossed the Delaware River with George Washington, and watched the play, Our American Cousin, with Mr. Lincoln in Ford’s Theater on that April 1865 night. The problem with reading biographies, and not only biographies, but history in general, is the fact that as you read (or watch a movie), the person about whom you are reading becomes just another “person” in history. We read about their exploits and, quite often, make them larger than life. The fact is, in spite of their historical fame, the people about whom we read were just that…people. They had cowlicks and moles. I’m pretty sure that Wyatt Earp fell off his horse on occasion and Marie Antionette had trouble figuring out which purse to wear with her outfit just like some of you ladies today. I’m afraid that as Christians, we do the same thing when we read about the life of Jesus. Especially this time of year. We read about angels, mangers, shepherds, wise men, and baby Jesus. If we aren’t careful, the “Christmas story” will become just another “historical event” that we read each December. The fact is, Jesus was (and is) a real person. He left the glories of heaven to come to earth to DWELL AMONG US. Let that sink in for a minute. Why in the world would the Creator of the universe leave leaven and come to earth to live among a bunch of messed up, ungrateful, sinful people? His didn’t just come for a quick visit either, like Aunt Minnie from Minneapolis, He came to earth the DWELL AMONG US. To live right in the middle of our fussing, fighting, and selfishness. He came to live with us and die for us so that one of these days, He could take us home with him. He lived with us for thirty something years. We get to live with Him forever.
Be blessed and be a blessing. . . Brother Andy